
Animalia story and hopes for the future - Animalia Apparel

Animalia story and hopes for the future

I created Animalia with the idea to connect others back to life. It was initially set up to deliver bootcamps but evolved into a brand and now a community organisation.

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Thank you for the support - Animalia Apparel

Thank you for the support

3 years in and I wouldn't have dreamed of getting to this stage. On Monday its the Birthday of my father, he was a very giving man and would incredibly grateful to what you have given to Animalia and to the people involved.

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Animalia collaboration with local gym PKA - Animalia Apparel

Animalia collaboration with local gym PKA

We are proud to be partnering up with the Punisher Kickboxing Academy on a limited edition fightwear combination.

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Social Impact - Animalia Apparel

Social Impact

We decided to create this infographic just to give our followers and supporters an insight of what we have done and to show what we do. We are proud of the impact we have made but it is only a fraction of what we believe we can achieve as a team and alongside many amazing people.

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