our story

  • Scottish Fight Wear Brand

    Animalia: Unleashing Potential Through Sport and Community Founded in 2012, Animalia is a Scottish-based social enterprise born from a passion for combat sports and a commitment to empowering young people. Inspired by the legacy of a father who valued the potential in everyone, Animalia strives to create opportunities and champion unheard voices.

    Our Mission Animalia's mission is twofold:

    1. Apparel Excellence: We design and manufacture world-class fight wear for combat sports, rigorously tested by champions and athletes. Our product lines cater to the high-performance demands of Kickboxing, Mixed Martial Arts, BJJ, Boxing, Judo, and Muay Thai.

    2. Community Impact: As a Social Enterprise, we deliver programs focused on physical activity, mental resilience, and community engagement. We empower young people in Scotland to discover their inner strength, resilience, and potential for success on their own terms.

    A Force for Positive Change Together, our partners are dedicated to unleashing the potential within every young person we reach.

    Join Us

    We invite you to explore our range of high-performance fight wear and learn more about our impactful community programs. Together, we can create a brighter future for Scotland's youth.

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brand pillars

  • Unleashing potential

    We encourage young fighters to push the boundaries of what they think they’re capable of, giving them confidence in themselves and their sport.

  • Everyone’s welcome

    Our door is always open to young fighters, whatever their background, ability or sport. And we celebrate their achievements along the way, however big or small.

  • social heartbeat

    We fight for good, helping the young people that need strength, courage and resilience the most through our active community programmes and partnerships.

  • make our own path

    We don’t follow the herd…and we encourage our fighters not to either. To make a change in your world (or someone else’s) all you need is an idea, grit and willpower.

Social heartbeat means social impact

fight better. fight for good.