It was a pleasure to talk to Gary from GlasGo Podcast last year. Really appreciate Gary for listening and the opportunity share the Journey.
Check it out here -
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/0tPIGjVt3Q7n5AkWHVq7q4?si=81fdcbcfec084523
Amazon Podcast - https://music.amazon.com.mx/podcasts/992ac9f9-6d9d-41b8-b55f-6de7d79b6a42/episodes/3a98ee13-4e17-4608-954d-71cc0b0d68ff/glasgo-podcast-animalia-apparel
Youtube - https://youtu.be/9aqnaiZs2q4
" There is nothing better than hearing a journey where someone has come up with an idea and followed it right through to a business and also takes the time to give back to the people who need it as well
Tony O'Neill from Animalia Apparel fits this description to a tee, we spoke last week about how he has built the Animalia brand and went right back to the start of his journey looking at
- Tony's own background and his story so far
- The volunteering roles that have laid the groundwork for the support he provides to others now
- What prompted him to start the brand and the journey that took him on
- Working with some of Scotlands best young athletes
- Giving back and some of the support options that Animalia provide to others
- COVID and the impact it's had
- A Scottish Brand with a social heartbeat and the origins of this
- Tonys own values that he truly buys into
- Advice for anyone looking to get involved in clothing industry "
Tony wears his heart on his sleeve throughout the interview and I think it's an endearing quality from someone who has grafted to get their dream out there and knows first hand the blood, sweat and tears it takes to do this, great interview and please check out Animalia Apparel a brand made in Scotland ".
Massive thank you to Gary for the opportunity.
You can find him on instagram - Gary@GlasGoPodcast